An appeal has been launched by Braintree police for information following an attack on a 17-year-old girl in the town.

The teenager was grabbed from behind and pulled to the ground as she walked along Rayne Road, near Peel Crescent, between 5.45 and 6.05pm last Friday.

She started to scream and shout and also managed to strike her attacker, who then ran off.

Police have described the man as white and of skinny to slim build. He was aged between 18 and 19 and about five feet eight to five feet 10 inches tall.

He had dark brown, short hair which was in tight curls, and was wearing dark clothing, including a waist-length dark jacket.

Anyone who was in the area at the time of the attack or who may have any information about the incident, is asked to call DC Alan Lewis at Braintree Police on 01376 551312 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

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