A green activist has blasted the idea of a third road off Canvey.

Jon Fuller, transport campaigner for Friends of the Earth, said a third road off the island would not solve any of the transport problems.

He said: "The proposals for a third road off Canvey are a step in the wrong direction.

"We do need more transport off the island but it should be public transport not more roads which will just encourage more people to use their cars.

"There should be something like a rail link to Pitsea which would encourage people to use public transport.

"More roads on to the island would just encourage more building on the island which is already getting choked up with houses."

Mr Fuller, from Eastwood Old Road, Leigh, was speaking after plans for a new east-west link road across Canvey were revealed.

Environmentalists fear the link could destroy the important lung areas of Haven Road, east and west of Thames Road and south of Thorney Bay Road.

The blueprint has been accepted by Essex County Council's highways and transportation committee which will now draw up formal plans.

Castle Point Council leader Dave Wells, said: "We are sympathetic with what Friends of the Earth is saying but we have to be realistic.

"Cars are the preferred mode of transport for most people so we cannot stick our heads in the sand. In the past it used to be development, development, development but now we do take into account environmental issues.

"At the end of the day, cars are much cleaner now than they have ever been."

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