Safety measures on a notorious accident blackspot have been promised three weeks after the latest death crash.

The A1060 road at Roxwell had been dubbed the "forgotten" road until witnessing two fatalities since February.

The measures, under the Accident Blackspot 2000 scheme, have now promised by Essex Highways chairman Neil Spurgeon.

He said with recent publicity the county council had been able to get the site recognised as a 2000 priority.

"I am very pleased something positive will be done," he said.

"I know this stretch of road because before I got my job indoors I used to be the postman for that area. It was hair-raising at times."

The last accident in November involved motorcyclist Chelmsford father of two who died in a collision involving a wine importer's truck.

A car driver from Yorkshire died last February after being involved in a collision with a vehicle driven by a man from Sussex.

Since the latest crash Cllr Spurgeon, who represents West Chelmsford on the county council, said he had received a number of letters from Roxwell villagers drawing his attention to their worries and a full run-down from parish chairman and borough council member for the village Cllr Phillip Evans.

Roger Gardner, county officer highway manager for the locality commented: "It has been drawn to our attention that there have been more than four injury accidents on this road in three years.

"That means it joins a batch of schemes highlighted as accident 2000 priorities. Because of the deaths we hope to carry out work fairly quickly, certainly before the end of this financial year (March 2000)."

Cllr Spurgeon wants to see extra large cat's eyes and new warning signs on the road as it leaves Boyton Cross on the long sweeping bend towards Newlands Hall and the Easters.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.