Doing good works for other people often involves some kind of sacrifice.

But for single mother Louise Dodds that sacrifice is huge -- she is leaving her two-year-old daughter behind to take part in a children's project in Africa.

Miss Dodds, a Ministry of Defence civil servant, is hoping to journey to Namibia, southern Africa, with her newly-married friend Helen Kennedy.

Both felt they had to take up the challenge to help children in one of the poorest countries on Earth. During the five-week expedition, Miss Dodds's daughter, Brooke, will be staying with her grandmother.

Miss Dodds, 24, said: "It is going to be so hard leaving my daughter behind, but I am going out there to do something that is very important. Some of the children out there have no mother at all.

She added: "Many people think that single parents can't do anything so in a way I'm proving to them that we can."

The intrepid duo need to raise £2,000 to go on the trip in March. So far they have been helped by Protekt Security and car specialist Parker and Clarke.

Anyone wanting to donate should ring Louise on 01206 783949.

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