Joe Dunne is back at Layer Road raring to go - and his first task is to help Colchester United to victory over Luton Town tonight.

Three valuable points will push the U's further away from the bottom of the Second Division table.

"It just seems like old times to me," said Dunne yesterday (Thursday) after his first full day of training. "And speaking to the lads I think I've come back at the right time."

The 26-year-old former Republic of Ireland Under-21 international is "back home" with a new 18-month contract having been thrown on to the Football League scrapheap almost eight months ago as one of nine free transfers by former U's boss Mick Wadsworth.

Dunne said: "I just want to put all that behind me.

"Let's look on the bright side - I have been away from it all during the big early season upheaval and if Mr Wadsworth hadn't resigned I wouldn't be back here now!

"I was bitter at the time he sacked me because I was recovering from a broken arm and had been playing with a stomach injury.

"I made my feelings known because I thought I had done enough to deserve another contract.

"Sadly he let me go and I have to say he was straightforward about it, but at the end of the day he has done me a big favour."

Layer Road crowd-pleaser Dunne was captain of Dover Athletic's Nationwide Conference side until his "nominal fee" transfer back to the U's 72 hours ago.

And speaking of his short sojourn into non-league football, he said: "I honestly thought my League days were over.

"I sent out faxes to everyone and the only person to reply was Dover manager Bill Williams who was happy to take a chance on me even though I was still injured. But it's great to be back at Colchester.

"Any problems with my transfer were resolved quickly and I'm now looking at a new contract that will take me into the year 2001 - the longest contract I've ever had at Colchester.

Dunne added: "I enjoyed some great times here during our run towards promotion and I don't feel under any pressure now that I'm back.

"It's going to take me a few games to get used to Division Two football again, but the fans here are brilliant and tomorrow night at Layer Road is going to be just great."

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.