An elderly woman woke to find a burglar upstairs in her bedroom.

The pensioner was having a nap at her home in Parsons Heath, Colchester, at 6pm on Thursday night.

She woke and challenged the intruder who ran downstairs, then climbed out of the kitchen window. He got away across fields at the back of the house.

Det Sgt Roger Napier, of Colchester police, said: "She was shocked, as you would be, coming face to face with a strange man in your house."

Police are linking the break-in to a series of burglaries in the area.

The lean-faced burglar is described as aged 23, tall and well-built with short dark curly hair and dark eyes. He wore a donkey jacket and black gloves.

Anyone with any information should ring police on 01206 762212 Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

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