A woman who almost died in a horrific car crash has ended the year smiling with a VIP treat from Harrods.

Maggie Matthews was whisked up to London in a chauffeur-driven car to enjoy the world-famous store's annual Christmas carol concert.

She had gone to Knightsbridge days earlier -- unaware the concert date had changed.

To make up for her disappointment, store bosses arranged for Mrs Matthews and friend Nichola Ashby to travel in style on the right date.

But Mrs Matthews, of Lindisfarne Court, Maldon, did not even think she would see Christmas after the accident at Rettendon, near Chelmsford in March.

Her Ford Fiesta was in collision with a Peugeot 306 Estate during heavy rain as she drove home from work in Basildon.

"A lady saved my life by resuscitating me and for 48 hours they did not know if I would live," said Mrs Matthews.

She suffered a broken pelvis and internal bleeding in the accident and spent 11 weeks recovering in intensive care at Basildon Hospital. She is now almost fully recovered.

Mrs Matthews said: "It was a wonderful bonus to get taken up by car. I would have gone up anyway because I love the traditional carol concert but it is so nice of them to do this and it makes it extra special.

"It just ends what has been a traumatic year with something really lovely," she added.

A spokesman for Harrods said the store had to re-arrange the concert due to circumstances beyond its control and had been unable to tell everyone in time.

"There are many ways to compensate for misunderstandings. I think this is fairly unique as far as hiring a car goes but, hopefully, it has helped her enjoy the day more," he added.

At your service -- chauffeur Don Costar prepares to drive Maggie Matthews to London for her Harrods treat.


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