Parents angry at plans to amalgamate their children's schools voiced their opinions at a meeting.

Governors of both St Andrew's Junior and Infant Schools, in Hickory Avenue, Colchester, called the meeting to inform parents of the proposal.

The plan, part of a shake-up of Colchester's education system, will mean the loss of one headteacher's post and 85 places at the school. More children will go to nearby Roach Vale school instead.

At the meeting, more than 50 parents unanimously criticised the proposal, demanding that the schools should be left as they are.

Douglas McDowall, of Layer de la Haye, moved from London to the area five years ago. His son Tyrone, who suffers from epilepsy, had been at the school for only a few months, but Mr McDowall already saw a marked improvement in his education.

He said: "This is the best school I have ever known. He came on in leaps and bounds just in a few months. I will fight all the way to keep this school the way it is."

Marie Hickman, of Hythe Hill, has one child in the infant school and one at the junior. She chose the schools because she knew her children, of mixed race, would not get bullied.

She said: "Since my children have been here they have never received one racist remark or been bullied. I know the teachers would stamp down on it if there was."

Parents of the children are raising a petition against the changes which will be presented to members of the local education authority next month.

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