Inmates at Chelmsford Prison have accused two officers of corruption and blamed a third warder of assault.

The three officers have been suspended from duty and are the subject of a police probe.

Two prisoners, now at Highpoint Prison, Haverhill, Suffolk, have made "serious allegations" of corruption against two warders, a prison spokeswoman said.

She said: "The prison service has asked Suffolk Police to investigate and take action if substantiated."

A third staff member is facing an allegation of assault made by a prisoner. Police are investigating the matter.

Tony Carter, chairman of the Prison Officers' Association (POA) at Chelmsford Prison, said: "There are three suspended, but it would be wrong of me to comment on them."

Mr Carter said the suspensions were causing problems to staffing levels already hit hard by long-term sickness and flu.

More than 20 officers at Chelmsford Prison were called on to work extra hours last weekend to cover for absent colleagues.

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