A good neighbour is delivering hot meals to a fundraising family who are too busy to cook.

Jennie Cardy, of Walnut Tree Way, Shrub End, Colchester, has cooked a meal for her neighbours every day because their decorated home is open for charity and they do not have time

Marilyn Banyard, her partner Ray Diles and her son, Darren, have always enjoyed putting Christmas decorations in their home.

In past years they had done such a good job that people used to peer in through the windows, and Mrs Banyard used to invite them in to have a look round.

So four years ago they decided to have an official open house during December, and put a charity collection box out for donations.

Since then they have raised about £1,000 for Children In Need and this year they are collecting for the RSPCA.

Once this year's display, which took two weeks to create, was up, Mrs Cardy took round a plate of hot mince pies and sausage rolls for the family one evening.

Mrs Banyard said: "It was a total surprise and they were lovely. We can't normally cook until about 10pm because people are always coming into the house to see the decorations."

Since then, Mrs Cardy has taken a meal to Mrs Banyard and her family every night.

Mrs Banyard said: "The only day she hasn't brought us round a full meal was when there was so much left from the night before that we didn't need any more!"

Mrs Cardy said: "I do it because they are mates and I'm glad to help. The children think the decorated house is really great."

Mrs Banyard, whose electricity bill doubles in December because there are so many lights in the house, said: "We want to say a huge thank you to Jennie. You don't get many neighbours like her these days."

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