A father and son today vowed to take down an illuminated millennium banner hung across a Westcliff road after a complaint from a neighbour.

Other neighbours have rallied round and signed an 80-name petition urging Syd Prendergast, 51, and Paul Prendergast, 27, to keep the shinning sign which links their two homes.

But Syd and Paul, of Wenham Drive, agreed the banner had to come down after they were visited by the police.

Taxi driver Syd said: "It's got to come down. I'm not going to be fighting the law or the council. I can't afford to do that.

"It would only have been up there for another few weeks as we planned to have it down by January 2."

Syd came up with the idea of illuminating the outside of his house back in 1994 when he put a Christmas tree decorated with 300 lights in his front garden.

When mechanic Paul moved opposite in 1996, some friendly rivalry ensued as both houses were gradually decorated with more and more illuminations.

The crowning glory came this year when Syd and Paul decided to link the two homes with the glowing, home-made banner that reads 1999 on one side and 2000 on the other.

Sign of the times - Paul and Syd Prendergast will take the sign down


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