The future of a busy Citizens' Advice Bureau has been safeguarded, thanks to Castle Point Council.

The borough's finance and policy committee agreed to continue funding the centre, based in Long Road, Canvey, for the next five years.

The council pumps around £22,500 each year into the bureau, which provides a vital lifeline for people in need of help or advice.

The cash helps to pay for specialist services at the bureau, which is manned by four full-time staff, three part-time staff and 23 volunteers.

The council wants to work more closely with the bureau.

Castle Point Council's finance director Michael Clayton said: "The Government's programmes for best value and for modernising local government will present major challenges for us in respect of developing services for revenues, benefits and related subjects.

"Resources will always be limited. Working with partners to continuously improve services will be one way of adding value and this approach is a major element of Government policy.

"The CAB is a major partner and could become a much more strategically-important partner for relevant services.

"I have been having preliminary discussions with the CAB in order to identify developments which could be added to the current core activities.

"This would be subject to appropriate additional funding being provided by the council."

The council feels there could be real advantages working with the CAB.

These include:

More people getting the benefits they are entitled to

Reduction in council tax arrears and reduction in cases requiring bailiff action

Better completion of benefit claims leading to quicker awards of benefit

A better enquiry service for people living on Canvey.

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