If experience is valuable, Dot Jones is worth her weight in gold.

The oldest papergirl in Britain is hanging up her delivery bag at the age of 84. But she has no plans for a lie in.

Dot took over her daughter's paper round more than 27 years ago and has been doing the same round in Holland-on-Sea on her bike ever since.

But following a bout of breathlessness, she decided to call it a day.

Dot, of Kings Avenue, Holland-on-Sea, has turned out in all weathers to deliver to her 30 customers.

She has fallen off her trusty bike on several occasions, mainly in the ice.

While she said was sad at giving up the round she added: "I am still going to get up at 5.30am to do my bits and pieces."

Liz Forster, who runs the Kings Avenue Post Office, in Holland-on-Sea, said they were sad to see their oldest papergirl leaving.

She said Mrs Jones was always the first one in.

"She always chose to be in at 6.10am ready for the round at 6.30am ."

But it may not be the end of the story. Dot said: "I think I may well go back in the spring if they'll have me - we'll see."

Dot Jones - calling it a day at 84, for the time being at least.

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