The identities of two councillors at the centre of a police probe in to allegations of benefit fraud have been revealed by council chiefs.

Braintree Council leader John Gyford took the unusual step of naming Labour councillors James Unsworth and Alisdair Thompson during a meeting of the full council last night.

He stressed that neither man had been charged by police.

And he added that the two men, who did not attend the meeting, would not be suspended.

Mr Gyford told members: "I can confirm that the councillors concerned are councillors Thompson and Unsworth and that so far no charges have been laid against them."

There had been growing pressure for the council to name the two men under investigation by the police.

In a prepared statement Mr Gyford said: "The present situation is one where there is a difficult balance to be struck between the two councillors' entitlement at this stage to the presumption of innocence and the need to safeguard the reputation of the council.

"There is no means of suspending any members from membership of the council.

"The two councillors have, however, been temporarily suspended from membership of the Labour group pending the outcome of the investigation, and the question of their continuing as committee members will be reviewed by the Labour group at its next meeting.

"I am unable to make any comments on the investigation itself since I have no knowledge of the details."

On Friday This Is Essex revealed that the two Labour councillors were quizzed by police last week over allegations of housing benefit fraud.

A council source said they were not expected to attend any further meetings until police officers had completed their investigation.

Mr Unsworth represents the Braintree Central ward and sits on the council's strategy committee. Mr Thompson is a member for Braintree East.

Both were newly elected in May and also sit on the Braintree area committee.

An Essex Police spokeswoman said today: "We can confirm that two men have been arrested following allegations of benefit fraud and inquiries are continuing. The men have been released on police bail pending further inquiries."

She refused to name the councillors at the centre of the probe, which is believed to centre on housing benefit fraud alleged to have taken place several years ago.

Mr Unsworth and Mr Thompson were today unavailable for comment.

(Right) Alisdair Thompson

(Left) James Unsworth

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