Basildon Zoo is looking to expand to include an insect house and a new bigger pet shop just weeks after it was ransacked.

A desert scene complete with locusts is one of many ideas which could begin to take shape once plans for the insect house have been finalised.

Creatures such as iguanas, dung beetles and hissing cockroaches are already in the zoo, but the plan is to bring them all together and add some new ones. It comes after about 60 animals were killed when the Vange zoo was raided by burglars.

Zoo owner, Yolande Surcouf, said: "I think it's both expanding and exciting. An insect house will allow us to do little displays with other creatures and different insects."

A planning application has also been submitted to build a new pet shop on the site, which will have timber cladding and a tiled roof to give it a "rural" appearance. The existing timber pet shop will become the new insect house.

The pet shop, which sells accessories, animals, birds, reptiles and insects is doing well and needs extra space to expand trade.

Basildon Council's east Basildon area committee, will decide whether to give the proposals the green light when they meet on Thursday.

The expansion would mark a new positive chapter for the zoo.

Last month an estimated 60 animals were killed when an intruder allegedly stole four parrots worth more than £5,000.

Mrs Surcouf, said: "We've had lots of letters, cards and phone calls. One customer has given us a lovely aquarium to replace the one which was smashed. Others have given us hamsters, rats and gerbils to replace the ones we lost."

l Owen McGowan, 27, of Dock Road, Tilbury, will appear before Basildon magistrates on Monday, December 20 and faces four charges in connection with the raid.

New friends - pet shop assistant Michelle Bailey with some ratty pals


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