Relatives of murdered Colchester man Grant Byrom today criticised police for not finding the killer as the first anniversary of his death approaches.

They believe detectives have not pulled out all the stops to arrest a man for whom for months they have publicly appealed to come forward.

They want to question a 52-year-old Colchester man about the Boxing Day murder.

Mr Byrom, 30, a skinhead known as Granny, was stabbed to death in a layby after a party in Forest Road, Greenstead. He left children Tanya, 11, and Dean, 8.

Their mother, Sue Moore, of Lexden, today said: "I get the impression the police just see it as a skinhead in trouble. They don't seem that bothered."

She believes the prime suspect is abroad but might have returned to England on more than one occasion.

She said the last year had been a living hell which would only be eased when justice was done.

"Christmas and Boxing Day will be the hardest for me and the kids. We used to walk round to my mum's and Granny would be waiting by the window for us. But this year he won't be there waiting."

Essex Police today renewed its appeal to find the killer.

Det Chief Insp Roy Fenning, of Colchester CID, said: "We know the identity of the man we are seeking and we are appealing for him to come forward. For legal reasons we are unable to release his name."

Anyone with new information should ring Colchester police on 01206 762212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

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