After 52 years at the forefront of technology a brilliant new millennium is predicted for Chelmsford's EEV under a brand new name -- Marconi Applied Technologies.

The 1,200 staff who work at the new international headquarters of the renamed Marconi division at Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford, were told the news in two big meetings last week by managing director Keith Attwood.

He announced the changes on M-day -- the day throughout the company worldwide when what was formerly known as GEC became four divisions of the new Marconi plc.

Marconi Applied Technologies has a small residual staff in Lincoln while the old Witham division is being relocated to specially prepared £5 million premises at the Chelmsford global headquarters.

The former EEV has a track record of reaserch and development innovations that reach into every need of modern life and delighted executives hope they have now created the conditions for future growth in the tough global business climate of the next millennium.

Development and manufacture of frontier technology products will still continue at Chelmsford making Marconi Applied Technonologies the largest single manufacturer in Mid-Essex.

EEV technologies are contained in most of the new digital tv equipment in North America. Other hardware is used in space technology, fighting cancer, dentistry and in the world-beating Argus image intensifier used by fire services.

All are, or will, be made in Chelmsford.

A three year programme of factory facelifts to make the place at Waterhouse Lane look the part are also in the pipeline.

Announcing the new company as part of Marconi Systems and Capital division Mr Attwood said: ''We are very proud to be part of the new Marconi. Our objective is to build on the strong technical heritage of EEV and introduce a new and exciting environment in which our people are free to innovate to develop their imagination and discover new opportunities.''

EEV was founded in Chelmsford in 1947 as part of Marconi Group before the GEC takeover of the 1960s.

Up to six years ago much of the firm's work was dependent on defence work but today only 28 per cent of the turnover is defence aimed.

Sixty per cent of the work is exported either directly or through other UK companies who use crucial Marconi Applied Technology Components in their products.

Picture, top: Managing director, Mr Keith Attwood EEV is now Marconi Applied Technologies with its global headquarters in Chelmsford.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.