Pub customer Gary Edwards died after a frenzied attack at a South Ockendon pub, a court heard.

Bar stools, broken bottles, ashtrays, fists and feet were used in the vicious attack. He was literally beaten to death.

The court also heard how two good samaritans were also attacked when they tried to come to the aid of the 40-year-old.

Mr Edwards was felled by a single punch when trouble flared at The Village Inn in South Ockendon last March.

The blow was followed by a bar stool being smashed over his head and Chelmsford Crown Court also heard how he was then dragged out of the pub and subjected to a severe attack which involved him being kicked, punched and stamped on.

The jury heard how a pathologist later found injuries which included eight broken ribs, his jaw broken in four places and bruises all over his body with cuts to his face which had been allegedly slashed with broken bottles and broken ashtrays.

The body of Mr Edwards was dragged from the pub into the road outside and the court heard how one motorist had to swerve to avoid the body.

James Buckingham, 51, was on his way to work when he saw the alleged killing but when he went to help he was dealt a blow to the head which produced a hole the size of a golf ball.

Patricia Lynch QC, prosecuting, said when a lone police officer arrived at the pub after being called to the scene, he was threatened and chased away. Reinforcements were called and it was only after batons, CS gas and handcuffs were used that arrests were made.

Jason Bolger, 22, and Craig Wicks, 19, from Broxburn Drive, South Ockendon, are accused of murdering Mr Edwards at the pub on March 11 last year.

Bolger's brother Brian, 27, has denied the murder charge but admitted the manslaughter of Mr Edwards on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

Another charge against Brian Bolger, from Celandine Close, South Ockendon, of attempting to murder Mr Buckingham, has been left on the file.

His brother, from the same address, denies the attempted murder of Mr Buckingham.

The trial continues.

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