A COMPANY which demolished a 19th century cottage in Old Leigh conservation area without permission will not be hit with any enforcement action.

Southend Council had leased 2 Plumbs Cottage at Strand Wharf to Leigh Society so it could be restored and used as a museum.

A company called 2 Plumbs Yard Project was set up to carry out the work. But it found the building to be in such a poor state it dismantled it, despite it being on the council's list of historic buildings.

Southend Council development control committee last night voted against taking enforcement action against 2 Plumbs Yard Project even though the demolition took place without informing the council, which owns it. Agents for the company told the council: "Once the struture was exposed by the contractor, by necessity, on health and safety grounds, it had to be dismantled as it was in danger of collapse."

Published Thursday, December 1, 2005