A small house in a quiet Clacton street has been transformed into a winter wonderland.

Light house family - Julie and Russell Round show off their display, which will raise money for charity. Picture: TERRY WEEDEN (46389-2)

Russell and Julie Round, of Knox Road, have again had a big switch-on of Christmas lights and decorations at their terraced house to raise money for Little Havens Children's Hospice.

Russell has altered his front garden to fit all the new attractions which include the 8f high inflatable characters Tigger, Homer Simpson and Scooby Doo.

There are also hundreds of feet of rope lights and fibre optics surrounding the entire front of the house.

The family have decorated their home for the past five years and when a neighbour suggested they do it for charity they chose the children's hospice.

Last year their outside collection boxes netted nearly £500 for the charity and the family hope for even more this year. The decorations will be up until January 2.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Tuesday, December 6, 2005

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