The toilets in Braintree bus park are closing and being knocked down thanks to vandals causing damage.

What have they gained?

Everyone needs toilets.

Now if people are caught urinating in the street, the plea will be: “no toilets”.

It costs the council money to provide a service to hose down the alley in town each day.

Why is there no CCTV coverage of the bus park toilets linked to the police, which could have reduced the problem?

The bus park is due for alterations.

Maybe a small type of car park could be on the upper part with buses picking up in the streets with all stalls underneath on Wednesdays and Saturdays and a car park on other days.

It would cost money, but it would be better than losing it in an Icelandic bank.

We would see the benefits.

The park could be screened for the Victoria Road residents.

It would be good to see the stalls away from the paths.

The area around the post office gets congested.

Sid Cardy
South Street