I would like to welcome the letter from G Miller, of Boxted (April 20), headlined: Keep politics out of town.

I admire and respect Andy Hamilton and his input on the Visual Arts Facility.

I especially admire his bravery in going into the bear pit of the council chamber to present his views.

I also congratulate other readers who have not been afraid to exercise their democratc right of free speech.

But I deplore the undemocratic bullying actions of those councillors who jeered him and tried to shout him down.

It was an act which demonstrated just how undemocratic these councillors are in their role of “representing the electorate”.

May I ask all other readers of the Gazette (members of the public) who have comments they wish to make to write to the Gazette?

Colchester people should be telling their politicians what we want and not allowing councillors to put in place their own fancies and vested interests.

If these politicians understood just how angry the public were over their actions, and that they had lost our confidence, then they just may realise they should be representing our interests and not their own.

So please G Miller, and others, write in with more of your ideas and comments.

Allan Hewitt
Bluebell Way