In the Gazette last week, our Clacton MP Douglas Carswell accused me of playing politics.

This again underlines Mr Carswell and his Government’s divorce and separation from the vast majority of peoples daily struggle to survive in these times.

Sadly, politics is life and the kind of politics being practised by this Government and fully supported by Douglas Carswell, will have a devastating effect on the lives of the most vulnerable in our society.

The figures that were cited last week revealed the beginnings of this social crisis.

The method chosen by Carswell and his Government, as he says “to fix the financial mess left by the last Labour government”, is precisely the root cause and catalyst to the everdeepening social crisis among the most vulnerable in our society.

Surely we are all getting a little tired, Carswell included, of hearing that the last Labour government was capable of creating the entire global recession.

The global recession, as David Cameron himself noted at the time, and we can quote the speeches in full, laid the blame where it should be laid – at the feet of the bankers and captains of industry, with their greed and mismanagement of our economic system.

This is not our crisis and we won’t pay for it. We certainly won’t stand accused of playing politics when this Government and its Clacton representative Douglas Carswell have unleashed an almost unprecedented ideological assault on the living standards of our friends, families and loved ones.

We will work night and day 365 days a year to ensure, come the next election day, the voters of Clacton are indeed put off permanently by Mr Carswell’s type of politics.

Keith Henderson
Parliamentary spokesman
Clacton Labour Party
Meredith Road