The feature headlined “The sexism storm: What’s your view?” (Gazette, January 31) invited comment, so I will have my pennyworth.

Wartime experience taught us there are many things women could do, and indeed did do, just as well as men – sometimes even better than us men.

This ability has expanded in scope since, generally for the benefit of society.

In a club to which I belong, membership being more or less equal between men and women, we were having a friendly debate on “Who is superior, men or women?”

I can’t recall how we got on to this subject, but anyway we did.

It surprised everyone when I averred that woman was superior to man.

Asked to explain myself, I said women bring new life into the world – they bear the babies, which is something us men cannot do, so this makes women the superior sex.

After the hubbub had died down, one of our wives said: “Ernest, we women cannot do this entirely on our own – it takes a man to start us off.”

Ernest Holland
De Vere Road