TWO animal lovers have launched first aid lessons for pet owners.

The course will teach people how to give mouth to mouth resuscitation, the Heimlich Manoeuvre and how to recognise symptoms of illness.

Glenn Knight, of Mandeville Road, Marks Tey, and business partner, Martin Woollard, from Stanway, will run courses from their base Training2care, in Threshelfords Business Park, Feering.

Dad-of-two Mr Knight was inspired to run the course after his labrador Sasha died two years ago. A friend of his had been looking after Sasha when she had a fit.

Mr Knight, 39, said: “If she had got her to the vet 15 minutes earlier, the vet would have been able to save her.

“But my friend didn’t know how to restrain the dog. She spent 20 minutes calming her down to put her in the back of the car.

“Part of the course is realising how the dog is feeling, how to restrain a dog and how to protect yourself.”

Mr Knight hopes to run the courses across the country. The three-hour £45 course can be carried out in person or using a video.

He has been filming a training video using a puppy, a large Alsatian, and a resuscitation dummy of a dog.

Mr Knight said: “There is no ambulance service for pets. When your dog or cat develops a problem, the only option is to get them to the vet as quickly as possible, which isn’t always easy.

“A lot of the content is about prevention being better than cure. However, if an emergency occurs, we want people to minimise the chances of losing their pet. Treating a dog or cat promptly can be the difference between life and death, in the time between an accident happening and arriving at the vet.”

For more information, call 01376 573999.