I would like to ask Colchester Councl what it is doing, on a personal basis, to help get this country out of debt.

We hear about all the people losing their jobs, but how much money do the council officers earn each year?

Do we really need a chief executive?

We know Andrea Hill, who used to be the chief executive at Colchester Council and is now chief executive in Suffolk, earns more than £218,000 a year.

Do we know how much Colchester’s chief executive earns a year?

What do these officers actually do to earn these high wages, which are much more than most people in the town get, I am sure?

And they are much more than any of the people who are losing their jobs in various Colchester Council departments.

Barney Clayton
Lower Langley
Great Tey

...Recently, the chief executive of Suffolk County Council, Andrea Hill, was interviewed on the local TV news about her inflated pay package, which apparently is way above that of David Carmeron, Prime Minister of this country.

She earns in one hour what the majority of pensioners live on for a week.

When asked if she would agree to take a cut in her salary, her reply was: “Definitely not, I’ve already turned down two pay rises.”

If she never turned down another pay rise in her working lifetime, she would still be living off the fat of the land.

She has placed herself quite nicely in the hall of fame, joining the amoral clique of public sector managers, bankers, MPs, footballers, reality stars and so on.

This is happening at a time of austerity cuts, rising unemployment and diminishing economic growth, coupled with the Government’s failure to properly regulate the banking and financial sector.

It is time for our elected representatives to clamp down on these grossly overremunerated, nest-feathering prima donnas, and stop the harvest of sorrow which is sweeping the country.

Whatever happened to the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life’s seven principles of service in public life?

Money is the painful witness to this self-indulgent avarice and the certain demolition ball of the Big Society.

Yvonne Holley
Vanessa Drive