POLITICIANS should be doing more to make sure every residential road in Colchester has a 20mph speed limit, it is claimed.

Peter Lynn, leader of Colchester Green Party, accused Colchester Council’s administration of being toothless in its efforts to lower the limit from 30mph in the town’s estates.

Mr Lynn claimed the Lib Dem, Labour and independent-run administration should have done more to push Essex County Council to introduce limits.

He said: “Colchester Lib Dems have recently been claiming they support 20mph limits and it is the county council Tories who are blocking their introduction.

“The truth is Colchester Lib Dems failed to make things happen when they had the chance.”

A group of borough councillors investigated the potential of having 20mph limits, with most voicing support for the change.

Essex County Council largely prefers alternative methods, such as speed bumps.

Police officers have claimed a uniform 20mph ban would be difficult to enforce.

Will Quince, a Tory activist and Prettygate resident, said many residents might not want lower speed limits near them.

He said: “The ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work.

“I’m not against them, but we have to speak to residents, otherwise we don’t know what is going to fit in their part of town.

“There are lots of unique communities in Colchester and it’s important they are consulted and don’t just have something thrown at them.”

Stephen Ford, a Labour councillor who headed an 18-month investigation into 20mph zones, said introducing the zones in areas where residents did not want them would not work because they could be ignored.

A County Hall spokeswoman said highways officers were looking at experimental 20mph zones in Oxford and Portsmouth.

She said: “The results of these will help form a decision as to whether this can go ahead in Colchester.

“However, in times of financial strain the county council has to prioritise funding and cannot commit to anything at this stage.”