COLCHESTER Library is out of bounds for disabled readers yet again.

Most facilities at the library, in Culver Walk, are on the first floor, but the only lift available to disabled users has broken down again It was out of order for several weeks at the end of 2010 and after just a short period in service, the barriers have gone up by the lift doors again.

Officials say it is likely be out of action for many weeks again, because the parts needed to fix it have to be shipped from overseas. In the meantime, wheelchair users and anyone else others unable to use the library’s stairs or narrow escalator will be unable to get up to the first floor.

Library staff are doing their best to help, by bringing down items and keeping the limited number of shelves on ground floor stocked up.

However, there are concerns the lift may remain out of action because cuts to library funding could mean Essex County Council can’t afford to fix it User David Wright, 50, from Mersea, said: “Staff have been overheard saying they have not got the money to repair it.

“People can ask for books, and they will bring them down, but you can’t see what is up there to choose.

“My wife, Helen, has to use crutches and has problems walking, but they say they can’t do anything about it. She should be able to use the library. Other people with wheelchairs have had to turn round and go back out.”

He added in recent times, the lift seemed to have been broken down more often than it had been working – even though the library has a legal duty to cater for disabled users.

A county council spokesman confirmed there had been problems, but said it hoped the next repair would provide a long-term solution.

He added: “We have commissioned an upgrade of the lift control and hydraulic equipment.

“The new equipment will provide a more reliable system reducing further breakdowns in the future.

“Repair work is due to start in early March and take four weeks.”