I am disappointed, but not surprised, it is proposed to raise revenue by charging for parking at High Woods Country Park, in Colchester.

I am surprised it is deemed necessary to claim this is due to commuters using this public facility.

Since this was first mentioned in the press, I have, when exercising my dog, made a point of checking the parked cars at various times of the day.

At no time have I seen the same vehicle parked for more than, say, two hours.

Should the council wish to save cash, I would suggest it does not accept the Play Builder Programme’s cash in part payment for the destruction of woodlands at the park to build hideous structures for children to play on.

I am sure the councillors of the day, when negotiating the acquisition of this area, had in mind a tranquil country park for the benefit of wildlife and the people of Colchester.

They did not envisage an urban fun park, more suited to a British seaside resort.

They were rightly proud of their action.

I would suggest the current councillors do the same to counteract their actions over recent years in an effort to keep up with other areas of this country.

Ms A Smythe
Rose Allen Avenue