A SECOND bid to secure the future of Colchester’s Roman Chariot Circus has taken a leap forward.

The Colchester Archaeological Trust has had an application for a mortgage to help buy the former Army Education Centre approved.

The trust plans to buy the building and manage the gardens of the neighbouring Sergeants’ Mess, underneath which the starting gates of the circus lie.

In December, the trust and community group Destination Colchester had to admit defeat in its efforts to buy the larger and more expensive Sergeants’ Mess.

Despite a public appeal attracting donations totalling £242,000, the groups could not secure private investors willing to take on part of the building and cover the costs.

The Charity Bank has offered £168,000, which will be put towards the £250,000 cost of buying the building and the estimated £150,000 needed to carry out repairs.

Essex County Council has offered an £80,000 grant to relocate from the trust’s current Lexden Road base, while the majority of the public appeal donors are happy to let their money be used in the second project.