AN action group is being launched to clear up an area of natural beauty in Colchester.

Country rangers from Colchester Council and volunteers are on a mission to tidy Salary Brook on Tuesday in the run-up to a Community Day of Action in St Anne’s on Wednesday.

The team will concentrate on the area of the reserve around Titania Close and Oberon Close during the blitz on litter and flytipped rubbish, between 10.30am and 3pm.

Council officers said flytipping had declined in the town, proving its tough stance and partnership work was paying off.

Martin Hunt, councillor responsible for street and waste services, said: “I encourage residents to find out how to dispose of their waste correctly, be vigilant and work together to ensure that flytipping does not become a blemish on your community.”

Councillor Tim Young, responsible for housing and community safety, said: “Flytipping affects local environments, and contributes to how members of the community and others view the area around them.’’ Both councillors will help with the litter-pick.