Colchester Council has announced sweeping plans to transform the Hythe in Colchester (Gazette, February 22).

But industrial pollution and the nearby sewage works will make it an expensive development.

For years Colchester Council has made, and deferred, grand plans to transform parts of Colchester.

The Vineyardgate project, complete with bus station, has been abandoned, to the despair of local shopkeepers.

The “cultural quarter”

plans shrank to become bite size, and yet another development agreement is due on March 16.

As usual, the Colchester cabinet report will be kept secret.

With one in six shops empty and growing job losses, it is time for Colchester Council to abandon its fantasies and concentrate on protecting essential services.

Andy Hamilton
Acland Avenue

...Six-Storey blocks of flats do not “create a wonderful living environment”.

They create a future ghetto or nightmare.

Maybe councillor Lyn Barton lives in one and knows better. Or does she live in a house with a garden?

Why would there be a need for more empty flats in the town anyway?

People want to live in houses, usually with their own gardens where their children can play safely.

Val Best
Ivor Brown Court

...Colchester Council, are you mad trying to create a new community at the Hythe?

You try sitting on Colne Causeway at 8am, then 5pm, before going ahead with this Docklands plan.

Sort the traffic out first please.

Gary Smout

...I Live at the Hythe and it really does need developing.

I have a teenager and there is nowhere for him to go.

A park or green area would be a great idea.

Natalie Cattell
The Hythe