The “Proud of Prettygate”

campaign, launched in the Gazette on February 23, has left me confused.

Assuming the campaign foundation is as quoted, it should be given up as a lost cause, because many factors determine why an area is perceived a certain way.

Who dares to set the criteria?

Conflict can occur because of parish and electoral ward boundaries, postcode and school catchment areas, housing development limits and personal wishful thinking.

Using the Parr Drive bungalow analogy had me thinking of the area.

I’m open to correction, but isn’t Parr Drive really in Lexden, because the Lexden parish boundary is Dugard Avenue; although some may see it as in Prettygate because of its proximity?

Confusingly, I believe the adjacent Westlands development is in Shrub End, but the Shrub End Refuse Site is in Stanway.

Councillors must be careful not to call the kettle black when they decry estate agents for making certain claims.

For example, is Beverly Davies thinking wishfully when she claims Prettygate has a country park? I wait to be enlightened.

Heather Johnson
Capel Road