Through this letters column, I have repeatedly said how hard it is for the disabled to shop in Clacton, Colchester or Walton.

Previously they had my business, but not any more.

The same is true for thousands more, so the downturn in trade for those businesses is massive.

Lisa Alligan (Letters February 23) has now reached the conclusion that Clacton town centre is losing business due to the restrictions on motorists in place.

At last someone has noticed. I object that I am unable to shop where I want. How long has it taken for the traders to notice?

All I have seen is people saying what wonderful changes have been made to our town centres.

Where have those seriously affected by loss of business been making their protest?

Neither they nor their trade representatives have made any noise at all.

Keeping cars out of town centres seems to be the main aim of all these changes over the years.

And it is carrying on, with more and more restrictions being planned.

In general, the loss of cars means a loss of custom; but for the disabled it is the loss of important facilities far more swinging than the cuts everyone is moaning about.

I have always felt a lost voice in the wilderness on the subject.

Nobody gave our representatives permission to withdraw our facilities in such a way. They took it upon themselves and called it being green.

Things are no greener.

Businesses are closing down throughout the affected areas, and now someone else is complaining.

People have allowed this to happen. Now they will pay.

Malcolm Chapmn
Cloes Lane