Any improvement to the Hythe in Colchester is welcome, particularly as the previous regeneration scheme hardly materialised.

However, the existing community has been overlooked once more.

The Hythe Conservation Area, centred on the 14th century St Leonard-at-the- Hythe Church at the bottom of Hythe Hill, has seen no investment whatsoever.

To the shame of the borough council, this overlooked historic area remains neglected, with derelict buildings and overgrown development sites.

The river resembles something you might expect in a Third World country, full of rubbish fully visible at low tide.

Hardly the riverside community image you might expect from a prosperous town in the South East, or the view you would surely want visitors to view when entering the town, let alone residents.

Bob Bunn
Hythe Residents’

...I am extremely excited about the future potential for the Hythe.

I recently set up a PR agency in the town and am about to relocate my office into a converted warehouse space on the Hythe Quay roundabout.

The area is becoming a hub for creative businesses, charities and community projects, as well as providing new homes for the future.

It’s charm will be the mix of its maritime heritage with modern architecture.

Bob Russell MP may be concerned about the new housing, but doing nothing with the area would be a much bigger crime, in my view.

It is ripe for expansion. I can’t wait to start work in the area and help to build a community for future generations to enjoy.

Hear, hear for the Hythe!

Rechenda Smith
Port Lane