A CAMPAIGN to disperse groups of drinkers from Colchester’s St Botolph’s Circus underpass has led to them using churchyards instead.

PC Dave Underwood, of the Colchester central neighbourhood policing team, said a new operation, launched on January 24, had seen existing dispersal order legislation being robustly enforced to thwart the drinkers.

He added: “The operation is tackling drinkers coming from St Botolph’s roundabout who have now been found popping up in churchyards and graveyards.

“Drinkers gathering in St Mary’s Church graveyard have upset residents by making lots of noise and have dangerous dogs.

“The issue is a matter of displacement. We are waiting for the community to get round and have talks about it, such as looking at the idea of a wet area, but it is not for us to sort out.

“We are tackling the immediate problem and will use legislation to disperse them.

“Anyone drinking who is likely to cause a problem is dispersed right out of the town centre for a specific time, which stops them going straight to the next graveyard.

“We will disperse them, but it is up to the community to work for a long-term solution.”

Graham Carrington, chairman of the neighbourhood action panel, said: “They are congregating at St Botolph’s, St Mary’s, St Martin’s, St Peter’s and at the Priory, but they are not the big, groups they were.

“We are finding a couple here and there, not the groups of 20, and they are not making people as frightened.”

The wet area proposals, which would create an area for people to drink free from police inteference, will be discussed at a meeting of Colchester’s Community Safety Partnership on March 17.