STUDENTS, residents and football players have joined forces to give a community hall a revamp.

They decorated Greenstead Community Centre, in Hawthorn Avenue, Colchester, as part of the Big Project, a volunteering scheme set up by Essex University’s Students’ Union and Colchester United Football Club.

Toni Knights, community centre co-ordinator, said: “We rely totally on the income of hall hire and we need to increase our bookings.

“Hopefully with a fresh lick of paint the hall will be more appealing to people.”

Matt Hudson, Colchester United’s media manager, said: “The Big Project will hopefully leave a lasting impression at Greenstead Community Centre, an area where many students also live.

“The club is proud to be working in their community and hope the project will be a great success.”

Residents, tradesmen, U’s players and supporters and students have carried out seven days of volunteering to commemorate national Student Volunteering Week.

Other projects included the refurbishment of a garden at Broomgrove Junior School in Wivenhoe, and a family fun day.

Essex University’s volunteering team has more than 400 members who contribute about 150 hours a week to projects.