COMMUNITY spirit has helped Witham Rugby Club clear its debts.

The 48-year-old club can finally focus its efforts on finding the money for fencing and central heating after clearing a £10,000 utility bill. Committee members got the massive gas and electricity bill in July last year.

British Gas threatened to secure a court order to seize assets from the Spa Road club house if the bill was not paid immediately.

But the company extended the deadline and club members and residents have finally raised enough cash to pay off the debt.

As well as generous donations there were fundraising events, including leg waxing, supermarket bag packing, a non-uniform day for younger players, and a fun day.

Becky Chesson, the club’s social secretary, said: “It’s a weight lifted from our shoulders.”

Mrs Chesson said the club, which has more than 200 young players, now needed to find £13,000 to spend on fencing to make its grounds more secure, and install a more efficient heating system.