Amanda Cook can’t understand why Essex County Council wants to put yellow lines on the roads around Abbey Fields, in Colchester (Gazette, February 24).

It is exactly because of people like Ms Cook why the yellow lines are being put down.

The roads around Abbey Fields are very narrow, and with cars parked on them, the width is reduced a great deal.

This makes it very difficult for other vehicles, especially buses, to get through.

Indeed, I recently saw a bus have to go around a bollard the wrong way because people had parked too close to them.

On other occasions I have had my door mirrors hit by vehicles travelling in the opposite direction trying to force their way through the diminishing gaps, despite it being my priority.

Putting yellow lines down will make the roads around Abbey Fields much better and far safer.

I’m sure Ms Cook can find somewhere else to park that will enable her children to get their daily exercise.

Roger Bradshaw
Elite Driver Training
Bedford Road