For the past year-and-a-half, I have been quite ill and unable to get out on my own.

I am now trying very hard to get some confidence back and go for a short walk on my own.

On my second trip, with the aid of a stick, I was suprised when a whole family – mum, dad and child – came riding on bikes towards me.

This was not on a Cycle path and at the end of the pavement there was clearly a sign which said “no cycling allowed”.

I pointed this out to them and, of course, they just ignored me with a smirk on their faces and cycled on.

This really shook me up and I nearly fell. I had to turn round and come home.

The day before that, on my first trip out, a man pushed past me on his bike and shouted “don’t panic love”.

I was right by the post with the no cycling sign at the time.

When is this going to end? Are the authorities waiting for a tragedy to happen – and, believe me, it will.

I am so angry over this. It has knocked my confidence so much I am frightened to go out.

There should be police on patrol duty to give on-the-spot fines to these dreadfully dangerous people who illegally cycle on pavements.

Mrs June Carter
Ipswich Road