COLCHESTER’S ultimate neighbour from hell has been finally evicted from her council flat in the town centre.

Kirsty Bloomfield, an 18-year-old mother-of-two, was so bad to live next to, according to her neighbours, one moved out and another did not want to go to hospital to give birth for fear of what would happen to her house if she left it.

After nine months of almost daily callouts by police, according to council lawyer Rebekah Straughan, an eviction notice was issued by Colchester County Court, and yesterday a bailiff went in and changed the locks.

The court heard allegations by neighbours of threats being made, screaming, shouting, urinating on doorsteps and noisy sex.

Miss Bloomfield vacated the Colchester Council-owned property, in Maidenburgh Street, before the bailiff arrived – leaving behind cigarette ends, takeaway cartons and children’s clothes littered around the home.

Siobhan Duke, 36, who left the area with her three children in June after having had enough, said: “Thank God she has gone.

“It was about time. I am so happy and it will be a relief for all the neighbours.”

Next-door neighbour Amy McLean lives with her seven-year-old, two-year-old and three-month-old children.

She said: “Her and her friends would smack on my daughter’s wall keeping her up, and the police were there all the time.

“I was pregnant and was concerned about leaving anyone else there to look after my children when I went into labour in case something happened.

“None of us were sleeping very well and visitors were always threatening to kick the doors in. We could not go out in the garden.”

Ms Bloomfield’s own property had the back door kicked in and window smashed just weeks before she left.

She was not available to comment and Colchester Borough Homes, which manages the flat, said it did not know where she was.

Richard Saw, communications manager at Colchester Borough Homes, said: “The neighbours made a series of complaints and we decided they were worthy of action.

“We decided to try to evict on anti-social behaviour grounds.

Miss Bloomfield owed more than £1,000 in rent for the subsidised property.

The home already had a turbulent history before she arrived, having been used as a crackhouse until a raid in late 2005.