On Thursday, May 3, we will be required to vote in the borough council elections.

Last year in general, about 40 per cent of borough council residents voted, which means about 60 per cent didn’t bother.

There are many understandable reasons why people are unable to vote, but even taking this into account, these results are – to say the least – disappointing.

People who do not vote disenfranchise themselves from their democratic rights which have been bitterly fought for over hundreds of years, dating back to Wat Tyler (who is believed to have been born in Essex).

Even to this day, our boys are out in Afghanistan fighting for the freedoms we take for granted. Not to mention the First and Second World Wars.

It is still within our own living memory that the women in this country were allowed to vote. Once again bitterly fought for, and lives were lost.

We owe an allegiance and respect to all those who dedicated and gave their lives just to give us the right to put a cross on a piece of paper.

It is not much to ask and expect these non-voters to take the opportunity to make a difference.

Jim Spencer
Grove Road