I am writing to tell readers about Teenage Cancer Awareness Week, which kicks off on Monday and runs to Friday, May 4.

Cancer in people aged between 13 and 24 is rare, but it can also be hard to diagnose, so it’s important to know the warning signs so it can be spotted early.

Teenage Cancer Awareness Week aims to educate young people, parents, teachers and health professionals about the most common signs and symptoms of cancer.

We want young people to notice any changes in their bodies and have the confidence to talk about them and we want doctors to “think cancer” quicker.

Signs and symptoms of cancer are unexplained, meaning you don’t know what’s causing them, and persistent, meaning they don’t go away, always come back, or gradually get worse.

The five most common signs and symptoms of cancer in young people aged between 13 and 24 are:
* Pain that doesn’t go away with painkillers
* A lump, bump or swelling
* Extreme tiredness, meaning you find it hard to stay awake
* Significant weight loss (more than a few pounds)
* Changes in a mole For more information about the common signs and symptoms of cancer, visit www.teenagecancer trust.org

Simon Davies
Chief executive
Teenage Cancer Trust
Newman Street