DEDICATED, caring and entrepreneurial youngsters have been honoured at the Colchester Youth Awards.

The prize for the personal journey went to brother and sister Louis and Katie Gall, who have been lifelong carers for their mother, who suffers from a physical and mental condition.

The award for outstanding achievement went to Charlotte Peck for the support she has given to Stepping Stones nursery in Colchester.

Charlotte, 18, a student at Colchester County High School for Girls, became involved with Stepping Stones because her sister, who is autistic, attends the after-school club.

The St Anne’s and Greenstead junior wardens took the title for community improvement and £500 to go towards their work.

The Colchester Youth Council won the creative arts category and Colchester Institute student Danny Neville won the entrepreneur award.

A serious accident left undergraduate Joseph Musa severely disabled. He won the learning and participation category for his positive and conscientious attitude.

Teenager Celyn Evans won the award for Colchester’s top young volunteer.

The chairman’s award went to Cassiopeia Phillip, who left school without qualifications to take care of her young child, but has now re-entered education and got a job.

The awards ceremony was held at the Firstsite art gallery.