HOW sad that John Birch should regard Colchester becoming a city as “the absolute worst news possible” (Gazette Letters, May 23, “It’s a green light to more development”).

With unrelenting bad news both at home and abroad, it is hard to reconcile his view with reality.

City status recognises Colchester’s unique historic and civic role in north Essex and is surely something we should all embrace with enthusiasm.

On a personal level, the elevation of Colchester - the main town in my working life - to city status coincided with that of Wrexham - my home town, hence a cause for double celebration.

As for John Birch’s fear that the City of Colchester will result in no restrictions on further development, my planning advice would be that he should test his theory by submitting an application which is contrary to the Local Plan.

It will be an expensive way of proving that his fear is unlikely to be realised.

Ted Gittins FRTPI

The Counting House,

High Street, Cavendish, Suffolk

City of Colchester ...what a joke

I may be a bit late with this, but I have just got back from holiday with friends.

While my wife and I went out for a while, we returned and my friend said: “Guess what?

Colchester has been made a city.”

I thought he was joking.

He was not but in my opinion it is a joke.

David Cole

Prettygate, Colchester