SUCCESS stories spring up all over the pitch at Colchester United just now, but to cap everything it's a burgeoning friendship formed with goalie Owen Goodman that's stolen my heart alongside some great headlines for him, writes MATT CALMUS.

"Hope you enjoyed today; love it!" Those were his words to me as we embraced not only each other, but also United's first home win so far this season and a latest professional clean sheet for Goodman at full-time last weekend.

Wildly celebrating Saturday's emphatic dispensing of Tranmere Rovers with a classy custodian is what us football romantics spend much of our working week daydreaming about. Enjoy it? You bet I did; we all were.

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Scanning classified results columns and seeing what appears to be just a regulation win for Colchester would only tell half a game's story though.

As others said then and since: you simply had to be there. Blitzkrieg on show; the Garnerball mythology, made real. Those shots stats make delightful reading.

It's been too long since our United of this parish is the only true hot town ticket. But with squad depth and ferocity of intention displayed here at 2-0, not only Goodman but other backline generals like débutante Zach Mitchell and a tireless Arthur Read enjoyed accomplished afternoons.


Read's assist for a lovely slow-motion Joe Taylor goal had me tripping over my own tongue trying to describe it. I just loved how a forlorn chasing defender was forced to submit to Taylor's fine finish as the ball inevitably crossed over the line.

Goodman rightly relished moments in the spotlight as a goal-stopping saver come the game's conclusion, happy in our victory.

Negation, blocking and all those unglamorous, under-appreciated football facets are an art, too. It's not simply satisfyingly striking balls into the net that deserves credit; applause also applies to the humble lockout. Keeping 'em out.

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Captain Connor Hall captured the mood beforehand with his programme notes, saying: "If we can get some consistency and regularly show the levels we did against Gillingham, we'll blow a lot teams away."

A defensive bedrock and decent keeper is key to that.

It felt extremely special savouring not just Goodman's saves but his rapid progress in a few short weeks; justifying a birth as top gloveman in League Two's current best XI; that's two clean slates inside three matches.


The best way any Crystal Palace fans can find out how their loanee's faring is to come and watch; see for themselves.

Keen observes will know Owen had spent much of the pre-match week at St. George's Park with England and so we were fortunate to have him back for this match.

Perhaps his biggest feat thus far has been confining an equally hungry understudy, Tom Smith, to the bench.

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The pair gel well, from seeing both warm up together, which perfectly emphasises collective will and sacrifice as imposed in team sports.

An innate strength and agility in Goodman's frame clear to see from a smooth operator between the sticks.

Standing next to Owen for me is like going into a time-warp; I'm small by comparison as he stands so far above.


He should be highly commended in the early weeks with us. Aside from the fact he made a beeline to see me personally at Gillingham's Priestfield Stadium too, where we exchanged hearty congratulations. Our stopper hadn't conceded on another stellar club occasion.

Here's to many more lockouts from a man of massive heart. Goodman by name, but he's an even better temperament by nature.

Someone with a headline writer's dream surname is doing just fine storytelling by himself, in actions alone if not words as well.

Read all about it: super Owen Goodman's in goal.