Colchester is home to the UK’s first and only special needs trampolining centre, offering adults and children a safe space to increase their abilities.

Established in 2000, BounceAbility has been located in West Bergholt, Colchester since 2012 and offers 1 on 1 trampolining sessions to children and adults with special needs, boosting their confidence and abilities.

BounceAbility is run by a handful of passionate coaches, including Jenni Pizzuto who has been working as a trampolining coach for those with special needs for more than 40 years.

During her time at BounceAbility, Jenni has worked with countless children and adults, including 47-year-old Mark, who Jenni taught to walk on the trampoline when he was just 7 years old.

“When Mark started coming to sessions it was somewhere for him to enjoy, it was difficult to engage him in anything,

“Now, after 40 years, it’s one of his greatest pleasures - he’s usually got a big smile on his face and its great exercise for him,

“He loves the 1 to 1 interaction, everyone gets that focus from the coaches and it’s really important,” Mark’s mother, Christine Gallant, said.

BounceAbility has members participate from all across Essex, including a gentleman who catches the bus from Harwich to Colchester for his trampolining sessions.

The centre has no age limit, with their youngest participant, Lily, being just 4 years old.

Being a special needs trampolining centre, many members are in wheelchairs and have little to no use of their legs, but BounceAbility make sure to engage them in sessions.

The coaches use hoists to get certain members on to the trampoline, and lightly bounce or use their hands to create motion – cushions, pillows and blankets are also used to give wheelchair using participants comfort and stability whilst on the trampoline.

Coaches also encourage the use of toys in sessions – like hand held bells - to make it extra fun.

BounceAbility host competitions for their members, including their yearly Tiegan Rose Cup competition – set up and named in remembrance of company owner, Rosie Pulford’s, daughter, who sadly passed away at just 17 months old.

This year’s 5th annual Tiegan Rose Cup competition took place last month, with all 11 BounceAbility trampolining groups, all named after different flowers, taking part.

“We know our trampolinists very well and tap into something they’re passionate about,

“Add some props, music, a bit of magic and a whole bunch of crazy coaches and you practically have a party on the trampoline!” BounceAbility coach, Clare Woods, said.

The building is spacious, with raised trampolines and floor-level trampolines, as well as a sensory room, costume, wigs, and hat boxes for use during sessions and a huge collection of colourful rubber ducks filling the area.

The building is located on farm land, allowing plenty of free parking and privacy for those attending sessions.

Sadly, the farm land that BounceAbility is located on is up for sale, meaning the future of the company is uncertain, but the coaches are determined to continue their amazing, life changing work.

“We’re all friends, you really get to know everyone and it’s an amazing feeling when you see their progress and how much they enjoy it,

“We really do have the best job in the world!” BounceAbility coach, Claire Wood, said.

For more information, visit BounceAbility on Facebook.