IT seems crazy that we are only in October and already on the second international break of the season.

Historically, it is something that passes us by, with League Two football being unaffected but in recent years this is becoming less and less true.

This time round, Colchester United's trip to Fleetwood was postponed and now annoyingly, we will no doubt have to travel up there on a Tuesday night, not something that really excites I must admit.

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It does make me wonder how long it will be until the international break becomes blanket across the EFL.

It's not something I think should happen but with how things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if it did with some of the crazy decisions that are made in football.

Of course, this enforced break will have its benefits and with a recent run of injuries, it could well be for the best as it gives the U's a chance to rest and reset.

It is also time to take a breath and have a look at how we have actually done so far, this season.


Ten games in and we are sitting pretty much mid-table.

On the form front, we are a much better side at home than on our travels so clearly, that’s something that needs to be addressed.

While we are harder to beat, there have been games where we have been very guilty of gifting the opposition points.

Morecambe away was a prime example of this; 3-1 up away from home after 82 minutes only to be pegged back to 3-3 against a side who hadn’t scored a goal this season until we turned up.

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We have made improvements in that we are scoring goals, but this is somewhat cancelled out by our annoying habit of conceding first.

So still a fair bit of work for the Cowleys to do and hopefully, this period without a game will be the chance to do just that.

Tighten up at the back and look to turn the draws into wins, going forward. Simple on paper, I know.

Results and performances are what teams are judged on and this takes time but there has been a massive improvement off the field that has been impactful on the fans connection with the club.

Since Danny and Nicky have come in, there has been a re-established connection between everyone.

We are all on the same page and the whole matchday experience had improved.


Yes, better football does help but the infectious positivity that the Cowleys bring is catching.

Home games are a festival of colour and noise.

We have said it for a few seasons that as fans, we just needed something to get behind and this has finally happened.

Credit must also go to the lads and lasses of the Blue White Army, who have pulled all the stops out this year with flags and banners in the stands as the players come out.

Plus, the efforts they have gone to with the Club United fund ideas that have really smartened the stadium up have been brilliant and it all goes a long way to make it feel like ‘our’ home.

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Fans are the life blood of the club and this season, we have really felt apart of something that is growing and heading in the right direction.

Yes, there is work to be done and we need to be turning draws into wins as I have said but ten league games in and all told, it's not too bad.

If we can keep working and building on all fronts, then the next ten games will take this season from a C+ grade to at least a B and maybe beyond.

While we are not fully up and running, we are at least walking upright and let's be honest, that's an improvement in anyone’s book.

Now let's get this international break over and back to club football, asap. Up the U’s.