In an era where information zips around faster than a caffeinated squirrel, librarians have evolved into multitasking maestros - part curators, part tech gurus and, on occasion, part babysitters.

The days of simply shushing noisy patrons and dusting off ancient tomes are long gone.

But is that a good thing?

Today’s librarians are navigating the digital jungle with a blend of style, grace, and the occasional sigh of exasperation. 


Once upon a time, librarians stood as stoic gatekeepers of knowledge, perched behind imposing desks and surrounded by towering shelves.

But since the digital shift, their role has morphed faster than you can say ‘e-book’.

Today’s librarians must juggle everything from managing digital collections to facilitating online learning.

Librarians are adapting, turning libraries into sanctuaries where both dusty digests and digital devices coexist. 


In the age of Google, librarians have become unforeseen tech heroes, expected to fix lapsed logins, explain cloud storage, and troubleshoot technical tantrums.

As Sandra Routledge, the Deputy Library Supervisor at Buckhurst Hill Library, put it, “We’re not computer experts… sometimes people expect you to fix something, and we don’t have that level of training.”

A librarian at Loughton Library echoes this, noting: “It’s a huge change for us all, so we’re all learning to do new things…there’s always new technologies coming out.”

Still, these literary lifeguards do their best to stay afloat, constantly updating their skills to ride the relentless waves of new technology. 


However, there’s more to librarianship than bytes and bookmarks.

Libraries are the beating hearts of communities, places where human connection thrives.

Hosting everything from workshops and reading circles to parent and toddler groups, libraries today offer refuge from the noise of modern life.

Librarians have created spaces that Sandra proudly describes as “community hubs”, with the librarian from Loughton Library agreeing: “It’s a social hub…libraries are evolving all the time”.

Like a cosy neighbourhood café (minus the skinny grandé caramel macchiato), libraries are havens where individuals can enjoy spending time with others and sharing ideas.

"Libraries aren’t just about reading," says the librarian at Loughton Library, emphasising the expanded role of these community spaces.

“We need a place where children can read and meet other families,” Sandra says, her eyes lighting up.

She adds: “It’s a part of life: getting involved in your community”, and her exuberant enthusiasm captures the magic of these literary living rooms where strangers can feel like neighbours. 


Despite the allure of digital formats, the tactile charm and unmistakable whisper of a physical book’s pages remains irresistible: “Nothing beats an actual book,” both librarians agreed.

With a wink, Sandra quipped, “Books are invaluable… and if you drop them in the bath, you don’t mess up your phone!”

Today’s libraries must cater to both the page-turners and the screen-swipers, balancing tradition with the necessities of the digital age, ensuring that no reader feels overlooked.

Although an advocate for physical books, the Loughton librarian acknowledges the benefits of e-books, observing that “having a book on your phone is a lot easier for people to carry around”.

According to a 2021 report from the Publishers Association, around 37% of adults in the UK reported reading eBooks, while 77% said they read physical books.

This indicates that while eBooks are gaining popularity, physical books still dominate the reading landscape. 


Whether analogue or digital, one reward shines bright for any librarian: the joy of matching readers with the perfect book.

From a wide-eyed child discovering their first favourite series to a scholar unearthing a long-lost research paper, the thrill of connecting people to stories and knowledge fuels a librarian’s passion. 


As we peer into the future, it’s clear that the role of the librarian will continue to evolve.

By harmonising technology with tradition, nurturing community spirit, and igniting our imaginations with their deep love for literature, librarians will ensure that libraries remain essential oases in our ever-changing, ever-scrolling world.

So, whether you cherish the inky scent of a paperback filled with adventure or prefer an e-book travel companion, you can rest assured that your local librarian is ready to assist you, one page at a time.